
With this Code of Conduct/Code of Behavior, the entire Frugalis Group (consisting of Frugalis GmbH & Co.KG, Frutania GmbH, Frutania Logistik GmbH and Frutadis GmbH – hereinafter referred to as Frutania) The company is committed to observing the basic principles of human rights, environmental protection and labor law in accordance with international standards in its business processes. This Code of Conduct describes the attitude of the entire Frutania Group and its behavior towards its own employees, business partners and society.

The Code of Conduct is based on the conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO), the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Conventions on the Rights of the Child and on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, which are also incorporated into the BSCI Code of Conduct.

The Code of Conduct serves as a basis and guide, as it cannot cover every possible situation and every rule to be followed. We are aware that the risk of legal violations is increasing due to the internationalization of business and the large number and complexity of legal and regulatory requirements. We will continuously develop our Code of Conduct and adapt it to new legal requirements.

Frutania GmbH was founded in 2001 by Markus Schneider. In the course of the company’s development, other companies were founded, which were combined under the common umbrella of Frugalis GmbH & Co.KG. Since the core business is handled by Frutania GmbH and is primarily perceived by the public, Frutania is synonymous with the entire group of companies. Frutania is a professional link between fruit and vegetable producers and food retailers. The fruit and vegetables are grown by permanently affiliated German producers. In addition, however, it is also sourced throughout Europe and the world and marketed via both food retailers and wholesalers.

With the vision “For a world that tastes good to everyone, with a piece of happiness for all.” we set the cornerstone for our actions.

Social – Ecology – Economy – Society

As the Frutania group of companies, we are a part of society and, as such, we want to make a positive contribution to its development. Therefore, the issues in our environment are an important benchmark for our own evaluation.

We and our regional, national and international partners are committed to fair treatment of our employees. These include, in particular, the free choice of workplace, compliance with the standards of the International Labor Organization on minimum age and child labor, prohibition of discriminatory practices and compliance with the respective social and minimum standards. We strive to keep our environmental impact as low as possible and comply with all relevant laws and regulations.

Prohibition of discrimination

No discrimination in employment and occupation will be tolerated on these grounds – gender, age, sexual orientation, pregnancy, disability, nationality, ethnic origin, color, religion or belief, political opinion, social background or marital status.
Fair dealing

All employees are to be treated with dignity and respect. Any form of physical punishment, threats or sexual and other physical as well as psychological harassment is prohibited.

Prohibition of child and forced labor

Exploitative child labor in accordance with the provisions of the ILO, the conventions of the United Nations as well as nationally applicable laws is not accepted by Frutania.
Forced, slave or prison labor is prohibited. Employees may not be forced into employment by force, coercion or under threat of punishment.

Working hours

Working hours shall comply with applicable law and industry standards or relevant ILO conventions. Statutory days of rest are observed.

Fair wages

Comply with applicable regulations and industry standards on compensation and benefits. Employees are to be paid appropriately. The wage paid shall be at least equal to the legal or industry minimum standards, whichever is higher. Wages shall be clearly defined and paid regularly and in full. Illegal and unauthorized deductions from wages, particularly through disciplinary action, are prohibited.

Freedom of association

The right of workers to form independent and free workers’ organizations and to conduct free negotiations on tariffs and workers’ rights shall be guaranteed.

Occupational health and safety

The employer complies with the respective applicable laws, regulations and standards on occupational health and safety. Business partners are obliged to observe the regulations of the relevant conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and industry standards on working hours. Any violation of fundamental human rights in the workplace and in company facilities is prohibited. Relevant work processes are analyzed and controlled for potential health and safety risks and appropriate measures are taken to minimize them. In particular, youth should not be exposed to dangerous, unsafe or unhealthy situations that jeopardize their development and health.

All directly supplying producers ensure the verification of the above requirements by appropriate external audits on their premises.

All suppliers delivering to Frutania GmbH shall ensure that their suppliers (producers) and packers/processors of fruit and vegetable products have their compliance with the above requirements verified by external audits.

Frutania advocates the production of sustainable products throughout the value chain under fair working and social conditions, thus assuming social responsibility. The focus should be on the use and protection of resources (water, energy, etc.), climate protection, the avoidance of waste, the protection of species and animals, and social responsibility towards employees.
Supplier:s shall comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and industry standards, as well as requirements for industrial wastewater treatment and discharge, controlled air emissions, recycling, chemical and waste handling and disposal, environmental permitting, and environmental reporting. Furthermore, the Supplier:s must comply with any additional environmental requirements, or contractual documents, that have been specifically established for the products supplied and services rendered to the Frutania Group.
Environmental pollution is to be avoided. Environmental and climate protection as well as the promotion of biodiversity is an ongoing task. Business partners make reasonable efforts in this regard. All business partners are called upon to promote sustainable production within the scope of their possibilities.

Ban on corruption

Any form of corruption, bribery, fraud or extortion is prohibited. Business connections or contacts may not be used for one’s own benefit or for the benefit of others. The respective applicable local anti-corruption and bribery laws must be observed.
Actions and decisions are made free of extraneous considerations and personal choices. The granting of personal benefits (gifts, payments, invitations or services, etc.) by suppliers and their employees to public officials with the aim of obtaining advantages for the supplier or the employee or third parties is not permitted. In addition, management and employees may not offer, promise, demand, grant or accept advantages in business dealings that are granted with the intention of influencing the business relationship in an inappropriate manner or that entail the risk of jeopardizing the professional independence of the business partners.

Fairness in competition

The business partners undertake to respect fair competition, in particular by complying with the applicable antitrust law and international and national regulations as well as the laws on the protection and promotion of competition.
In dealing with competitors, these regulations prohibit in particular agreements and other activities that influence prices or conditions, divide up sales territories or customers, or unreasonably impede free and open competition.

Compliance with law and order is our top priority. We and all our external business partners and contractors who are obliged to comply with our Code of Conduct observe the legal regulations applicable to their respective activities. If different regulations apply side by side, the one that provides the highest level of protection and safety for the employees must be implemented in each case.

In order to be able to guarantee compliance with the rules of conduct, Frutania has introduced a feedback mechanism. Violations and/or tips can be reported at the e-mail address, which will then be followed up immediately.

We immediately forward any violations of statutes and laws to the responsible department within the company. Such reports are treated as strictly confidential and may also be made anonymously. We follow up on all leads and resolve any violations without compromise.

In the event of a breach of this Code of Conduct/Code of Behavior, the business partner may be given a deadline to remedy the situation or, if this is not possible, a warning may be issued. Frutania has the right to terminate individual or all contractual relationships with Business Partners without notice in the event of non-compliance with the requirements of this Code of Conduct or in the event of failure to strive for improvement, despite a reasonable period of notice from Frutania.

The business partners require their suppliers and agents to comply with the requirements of the Code of Conduct to the same extent. The subcontractors and agents are informed about the contents of this Code of Conducts and the requirements and standards are demanded.

“This Code of Conduct for the Frutania Group has been drafted by the Management and published for the first time on 01.09.2022.”

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