Pick a piece of happiness

Our apples

Unsere Äpfel sind fest, knackig, je nach Sorte süsslich, säuerlich immer frisch, spritzig und saftig – ein wahres Glück!

Johannes Quast , one of our apple producers:

“Happiness for me means being able to work in a family business, in a varied and versatile profession, especially if you end up with a good harvest.”

The apple orchards of Johannes Quast are located in Niederkastenholz near Euskirchen. The company exists since 2017. Here, the apple varieties Gala, Elstar and Magic Star ripen in integrated-controlled cultivation under the sun of the Voreifel.

Cultivation methods

Young apple trees bear the first time at the age of 2-3 years. They form a permanent crop and live from 12 to 15 years. Pollination takes place by bumblebees and bees and with the help of pollinator trees. These are planted in between with in the plantation. Apple trees prefer soils rich in nutrients and humus and are provided with drip irrigation during prolonged drought.


The created rock piles serve as a habitat for heat-loving insects and other species. This species-rich habitat promotes biodiversity in our apple orchards.

Anti-hail nets protect apples not only from hail but also from sunburn. This allows them to ripen in peace without being damaged.

The apple season lasts from the end of August to the beginning of November and can be extended until May and June by using special storage techniques.


At harvest, the fruits are picked by hand and carefully placed in large crates to avoid bruising. These would later lead to the spoilage of the fruit.

Maturity levels

Apples are sometimes picked in two to three passes.

Our varieties

Berlepsch | Boskoop | Braeburn | Holsteiner Cox | Delbarestivale | Elstar | Fuji | Gala | Gloster | Golden Delicious | Granny Smith | Idared | Jonagold | Jonagored | Pinova | Red Chief | Rubinette | Topaz | Wellant
as well as the Club varieties: Junami | Joya | Pink Lady

An Apple A Day…

Frutania apples come from all over Europe, but mainly from Germany and France. Our German growers supply apples from the Rhineland, the northern Palatinate and the Alte Land. Depending on the variety, we offer apples all year round and in all standard packaging.

Frutania apples from German cultivation are available from: January – December

Consumer tips


Apples should not have bruises or show damage to the skin when purchased.


Apples stay fresh and crisp for as long as possible if they are stored in a cool, dark place. Furthermore, apples should be stored away from other types of fruit, as the outflowing ripening gas ethylene leads to faster ripening and thus to their spoilage.


Apples taste fresh, as compote, applesauce, baked as cake, apple tart or apple rings, dried as apple chips, in fruit salads, as juices and are healing as well as versatile as apple cider vinegar.

The apple

Small encyclopedia

The apple is the most widespread and cultivated fruit. There are about 50 apple species worldwide with 20,000 different varieties. Its Latin name Malus means evil, mischief or harm and refers to Christian theology, according to which the apple tempted to the Fall.

The popular fruit tastes fresh, as compote, applesauce, baked as a cake, dried as apple chips, in salads or as juices.

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