Pick a piece of happiness

Our gooseberries

Our gooseberries are pink-red, plump and firm fruits, sweet and sour with an aromatic fragrance – a true happiness!

Johannes Quast , one of our growers for gooseberries:

“Happiness for me means being able to work in a family business, in a varied and versatile profession, especially if you end up with a good harvest.”

The farm is located in the Drachenfelser Ländchen, which is situated between the Rhine and the Eifeland and forms the easternmost part of the “Naturpark Rheinland”. The conditions are ideal for fruit growing, as valuable biotopes with a high biodiversity, good soils and a mild climate have formed in the former quarries. Production is based on the principle of controlled integrated cultivation, which protects beneficial insects and keeps the use of pesticides to a minimum.


Junge Stachelbeersträucher werden im Frühjahr oder Herbst und überwiegend im Freiland gepflanzt. Zum Schutz erhalten sie immer öfter Schattiernetze. Bei der Stachelbeere handelt es sich um eine Dauerkultur – ihre Plantagen werden 10 bis 12 Jahre alt.

Ernte & Lagerung

Die heimische Stachelbeersaison beginnt Mitte Juni und geht bis etwa Mitte August. Im Anschluss gibt es noch deutsche, gekühlte Lagerware bis zur Weihnachtszeit.


Zwei bis drei Jahre nach der Pflanzung können die ersten Früchte geerntet werden. Die reifen Beeren werden im Ganzen von Hand gepflückt.


Stachelbeeren reifen gleichzeitig und werden daher ein- bis zweimal geerntet.

Our varieties

Achilles | Pax | Red Orleans | Red Triumph | Xenia

Frutania gooseberries

Gooseberries, originally from Euro-Asia and the Mediterranean, complement our berry program.

Frutania gooseberries from German cultivation are available from: May – October

Consumer tips


Fully ripe gooseberries should look nice and plump, and their skin should be intact.


Fully ripe gooseberries should be consumed three to four days after purchase. The so-called green pick keeps refrigerated up to two weeks and is good to use in cooking jam, compote or juice.


Gooseberries taste pure and are very popular in sweet summer cuisine, conjuring up delicacies such as compotes, cold dishes, cakes and pies.

Traditionally, gooseberries are also popular for canning and preserving, and their high pectin content makes jam or jelly gel particularly well.

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